
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bokura ga Ita - Part 1

She might love you with all her heart. She might remember you, and only you, even when you're avoiding her because of whatever stupid reason you're giving her. She might not betraying you by loving someone else who she really deserve better than you. She once think that she'll never win the dead person no matter how much she try, and yet she still come back to your side after you said, "I'll forgive you no matter what you already did to me. So, please come back alive." to your dead ex-girlfriend in front of her, your girlfriend. BUT.. she's not going to wait for you forever. Please make up your mind now because you might be lucky enough to get your second chance, but not everyone is lucky to get their third or fourth chance.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Dengeki Daisy

"Why did you bring this girl so close to me? In this world ... In this world, I fear her the most ... and in this world, I want her more than anyone else." - Tasuku Kurosaki.

I saw my brother's computer and apparently he was busy with his reading. By reading, I meant for manga, of course. It has been a while since I last read any of those online and looking at his screen, I was so craving to read at least one good manga of my taste. And by saying manga of my taste it would all means the romantic, comedy like story? And I stumble across this manga named Dengeki Daisy by Kyousuke Motomi. I've read all the manga by Kyousuke Motomi before and I would say that I really love all of his story. Dengeki Daisy is not an exception. I am addicted. I will absolutely buy this manga once it is available at my country, which is I don't know when and I'm quite sure it won't be anytime soon. I saw at Amazon that volume 1,2 and 3 are available and according to the site if I order it in the next 32 hours, I will get it by March 8 which is like tomorrow? That's not the issue as by all means, if I buy it now, I'll get it as the latest before this weekend. For someone who already addicted to it, this is tempting. But, it would cost me RM90 if I want all three. And if I am patient enough to wait until its release at my country, I might just need to spend about RM30 the most? But, the big question is.. when? Sigh. I hate dilemma.

The storyline is kinda light at first. You know the typical big jerk outside, but soft hearted and  caring inside type of guy? That would probably describe the main guy, Tasuku Kurosaki. He was so protective of her and whenever she's facing the danger, he was there. Cliche? How about he was there for her at first place because he actually felt that he is sinned and he believes that he has no right to love her as he is the one that led her brother to his death.

Teru Kurebayashi, she is left only with a cell phone that her brother gave her connects her to DAISY, who becomes her source of encouragement and protects her from afar with email messages. Despite never meeting him face-to-face, she has absolute trust in him.When she accidentally breaks a window, she is forced to become the "servant" of the school janitor, Tasuku Kurosaki, to pay it off.

The story starts off lightly, fun and cute. As the chapters go by, more things were revealed and you'll be craving for more and more. It wasn't as simple as it started and I'm dying to find out who's behind everything that happened and I want more of TeruxKurosaki. They were too cute when they're together. Let it be Daisy or Kurosaki, you'll find yourself smiling crazily in front of your screen while thinking, why don't I have someone like him by my side?

"Does it hurt, Tasuku? That's why I have a favor to ask from you. Please protect my sister. You must bring her happiness, and then.. every time you're close to my sister, you must remember this pain. Remember the sins of Daisy. Does it hurt? That's great. Feel more pain, Tasuku. I hope you won't forget the mistakes you've done. Believing people will forgive your sins, betraying your heart, this is your one true mistake. For the path of your future, for the sake of protecting your utmost important person, never forget this sin and this feeling of agony." - Suichiro Kurebayashi to Tasuku Kurosaki.

"What does sin mean? I hate that word the most. It gives me the impression that one is unworthy to be human. But, I guess Tasuku, right now, you're the one who understands Teru-chan's uncertainty the most right? Because even today, you're still bound by sin." - Riko Onizuka to Tasuku Kurosaki.

"I always ask myself to treat people with honesty so that Daisy who's protecting me from somewhere would feel proud of me. I really wish I could be a good kid. To let not myself bring the feeling of shame when I'm in contact with Daisy. I must be an obedient child ... Oh, gentle Daisy. I've sinned. But, please stay by my side. I swear I will never run away from my sin. I am unworthy of your protection. These beautiful words of fake obedience, I'll never say them." - Teru Kurebayashi to Daisy.

"I might get played around by a cruel man. People say he's horrible man and no one understands him. I think so too. He's a horrible demon king. He calls me a servant and such. He never works, and he's a thug. And he's blonde. The other day he puts ketchup on my face. What the heck is that about? His room is full of SM and erotic stuff. I think only a fool would fall in love with him. Therefore- if I get hurt, it'll just be my fault for being stupid. I'm prepared." Teru Kurebayashi to Riko Onizuka.

I should go sleep by now. Last, but not least. If you love romantic, comedy manga, I really recommend you this one, Dengeki Daisy by Kyousuke Motomi!