
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Ding Dong

Drama time! There are so many good dramas are airing this month isn't it? Lie To Me, The Greatest Love, City Hunter, Miss Ripley, Baby Faced Beauty, Can You Hear Me and so much more. And there's at least one actor/actress in each drama that I like. Yoon Eun Hye in Lie To Me. Lee Min Ho in City Hunter, Yoochun in Miss Ripley and Jae Won in Can You Hear Me. Jang Nara is making her drama comeback too as she is one of the main character in Baby Faced Beauty. Aren't this month just feel so good, in term of the airing dramas? 

Even so, for now I only able to watch Lie To Me, The Greatest Love and Baby Faced Beauty. For storyline, I personally love The Greatest Love a lot compared to others. The plot seems stable and flowing smoothly, as expected from Hong Sisters. I love Lie To Me too, but somehow, sometimes the plot seems like the writer just throw anything that comes into her mind, no? How many circles are we going to circling around? It feels exactly like riding on roller coaster. Some parts are just too slow, and some are too fast and not so convincing. Take Sang Hee for example, he didn't show any romantic interest up to episode 8 and now he likes Ah Jung too? Poor Sang Hee. Why must they make the brothers fall in love with the same girl two times and break the little brother heart every time? And wtf with Jae Bum now? *roll eyes* And no matter how much I complaint because of the rough momentum, I am still there.. watching the drama. Just because I really love the cast and the chemistry between Ki Joon, Ah Jung and Sang Hee, and it somehow becomes an addiction. Please let the next six episodes be awesome. Please. On the bright note, Ki Joon is so cute in today's episode. Taking his own picture on her phone and leave her a video message, book the whole restaurant when she is just ignoring him.. cute! And Sang Hee's teddy bear moment. That boy really knows how to be so sweet <333 But.. the ending, why did Ki Joon say that they didn't get married? I hate cliffhanger! Gahhhhh. One thing that I must say.. Yoon Eun Hye really did a good job in this drama. She's amazing, especially in the crying scenes. You go girl!

Can't wait for tomorrow! The Greatest Love <333 Sharing my two favorite moments from last week episode! I really love Ding Dong and Jin moment. They were just so cute together! And I especially love this boy loyalty. So cute!

Dokko Jin! He's indeed so cool during the last few minutes in the last episode. He might be very childish, so full of himself, but he really knows so well when to make himself look so good! Recharge moment is so sweet! Great acting, Cha Seungwon!

2 Love Light:

s h e said...

haha. last week mcm really at the point i was going to give up on these dramas. Entah. Dokko is silly for relying on his watch to verify his feelings. But maybe la forgivable gak kan, given that it's his first love at that age pulak kan.haha ding dong comel je. tampar nak? XD

lie to me is getting slow ever since yoon joo's back. how come these brothers fall in love with this boring person? and writer-nim didnt utilize sang hee well, exactly like jung il woo masa Take Care of the Young Lady. watak floating!

i've tried manny, baby faced beauty and miss ripley. the first two memang totally given up , the latter on KIV list.

hahaha okay da over. Sape punya blog da ni?

ai said...

About Dokko, I'm totally agree with you. If not because of the punch on the manager face, I really feel that Dokko deserve a punch on his own face. Relying on his watch is lame, but still glad that he's finally realize his own feeling himself! :D Ding Dong tu memang sangat kawaii! Budak yang rasa macam nak cubit je pipi dia the whole day XD

Sangat! Gosh. There's nothing special about Yoon Joo. And watak Sang Hee sangat kesian. Xde kesinambungan lgsg between every episode. Macam pakai campak je bila-bila nak.

Baby Faced Beauty tengok dkt tv je. Bila rasa nak tengok tv and cerita tu tengah tayang, tengok la. Hee.

Haha. Awk boleh copy the whole comment and buat satu post baru dkt blog awk jugak camni! ;)