
Sunday, June 05, 2011


Dah lama tak update apa-apa dekat blog, and bila tengok balik entries yang ada, tiba-tiba terperasan, most of the entries are about goguma couple. Facepalm. Just when I thought my fangirling side is dying, the crazy frenzy is back on track. Should really learn to control that side of me. Sebabnya? Err, sebab tahun ni dah 2* tahun, maybe? Solution? Mari mencari hobi baru!

Last two weeks, even the work isn't that great (newbie in the house), but I've finally finished with my scarf! It has been a while I feel like learning on how to knit. And with the help from various videos found throughout the web, I managed to knit my very first scarf. Hoyeah!  Lepas ni boleh la beli needle yang lebih kecil size nya and try buat something else pula (: Or maybe I should try to be friend with the kitchen first before I get addicted with sock-making next. 

The look when it is not done yet. Final product? Tak cukup rajin nak tangkap gambar sekarang. Teehee.

0 Love Light: