
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fandom Is A Serious Business

Come across a blog, read an entry. Too much hate because of one love or to be precise, because of one obsession.  Just because you really like/love/obsess with that person or particular group, doesn't mean you have to say those harsh words to the writer who pointed out their flaws. It's your right to disagree with it, but it's not your right to bash her to that point. Making someone look bad doesn't make you look good at all. You might look mighty and good in the fandom, but  not in reality. You got what I mean. Your friends were enjoying the post, happily commenting, adding fuel to the madness. But, there's one comment which I really interested in. Whoever that anonymous is, I must say, you really did a wonderful job stopping more hateful comments.

“Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi sesama muslim, kerana itu janganlah menganiaya, jangan membiarkannya teraniaya dan janganlah menghinanya. Taqwa tempatnya disini! Sambil baginda menunjuk ke dadanya sebanyak 3 kali. Alangkah besar dosanya menghina saudara sesama muslim, setiap muslim haram menumpahkan darah saudara sesama muslim. Haram merampas hartanya dan haram mencemarkan kehormatan atau nama baiknya” [Hadis Riwayat Muslim].

Being a fangirl is one thing, but being a loyal fan doesn't mean you have to put away your manners, your kindness, your judgement and your ethics in vain. Do not say 'if you know nothing about us, it is better for you to leave us alone' to me because I am a fangirl too. I've been a fangirl in the crazy-frenzy fandom for more than 10 years. Enjoy it, feel it, do anything that you want. But at least always remember about one thing, please know your limit. What's wrong is still wrong. Saying all this stuff doesn't mean that I'm saying I'm a good person. No. I'm still trying to be a better person.

0 Love Light: