
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Last Train Home.. Is It Really The Last?

"Can feelings become real when you put them into words?"

There is a boy that I like since I was sixteen. I'm not sure if I still like him as much as I like him like before, but I do believe I still like him. I'm not sure if that's love or it is just a like. And also I'm not sure if it's just physical or straight from heart. I always wonder, if back then I have guts to say I like him just like one of the girl that I know did, what would he answer me. If he accept, will it be different now? If he reject, can we be the same like now? I don't know. I really have know idea. But, one thing that I'm sure, if back then I have guts to tell him that I like him, at least today my feeling won't stay hanging in between. 

I should sleep. Staying up late, reading love story won't bring me anywhere, but to this kind of thought. The IFs-game won't have any end. Too much IFs is definitely hurtful. Good night.

"A love born in silence. Destined to remain secret. And yet, I can't say it was never there."


0 Love Light: