
Monday, December 27, 2010

Clannad After Story

I love this so much that I could not not to quote it.

"An anime may seem like a cartoon; however, this anime is particular, in my opinion, influenced not only my life, but also others. After you watch the anime, you do not necessarily become sad because of a specific part of the anime, but rather, you become sad because you discovered something new. Something that you have never seen, nor understood without watching the anime. Ultimately, that something is what makes your sadness accumulate." - Akersar.

I might be picky enough that it may annoys certain people, but I am not that hard to please. I can be happy because of small thing that people don't even see the point to be happy about it. I love anything that have emotions in it. Let it be dramas, songs or even animes and mangas. My love for anime is blooming all over again, I guess. Was it abnormal for someone at my age still watching anime and read manga?

"Such a touching story, I never heard of Clannad or After Story before when I came across this anime and just decided to watch it as I was bored. I never imagined that I would want to cry on most episodes & I'm not one to cry. The anime displayed how easy it is for a person to fall after losing the most treasured people and the difficulties encountered when trying to rise above them, but mostly detailing the pain in a persons heart during such times. One word - Beautiful." - shillandparm.

Credit: ZatsukiZen@YouTube

Toki wo Kizamu Uta

English Lyrics

Im only looking at the spilling hourglass
When I turn it upside-down, look, it starts up again
I wonder if Ill be able to someday enter
The advancing time that only ticked away

Midway on the slope that only you passed through
Many warm spots of sunshine appeared
Here by myself, Im reminiscing
About the tender warmth

Its only you, its only you
Who I loved
My eyes tear up in the wind
And you become distant

Ill remember forever
Even if just about everything changes
It was just one, it was just one
Ordinary thing
But in the brilliance that Ill show you, theres only one thing that was fulfilled
Ill protect it forever and ever

The chilly days continue, even though its already spring
On a morning when I woke up earlier than the alarm clock
Youre standing there
Making breakfast for three

Its only you, its only you
Who isnt by my side
Up until yesterday, you were right by my side, looking at me

Its only you, its only you
Who I loved
Its a song that I sing
Only with you, only with you
Its our, its our
Time passed together
I dont want to
Continue on my own

Ill remember forever
Even if this town changes
No matter how much sorrow Im to encounter
Ill show you when I was truly strong
Cmon, lets go; well start walking on the sloped road

Lyrics Source:

P/s: Any recommendation for tearjerking drama/anime/manga?

0 Love Light: