
Monday, December 26, 2011

8 Wonderful Years With TVXQ!

Our jjang leader, Jung Yunho.
Our umma darling, Kim Jaejoong.
Our crybaby sweetheart, Park Yoochun.
Our duck butt cutie, Kim Junsu.
Our maknae baby, Shim Changmin.

Happy 8th Awesomesauce Anniversary, TVXQ!

8 years of happiness, tears, and love.
I miss the old days, the glory days. 
I miss when all five of them being together on one stage.
But, what I miss the most is the time when all five of them laughing and crying together.
So, lets just wish the best for all five of them.
May all them forever be happy and healthy.
I love you!

"When you're flying freely you're being true to yourself.
Search for the answer that no one else can give you."

From TVXQ - Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin - to Cassiopeia eternally.


Love and Faith, 
- a i -

- Worldwide Trending -
#Changmin, #Junsu, #Jaejoong, #Yoochun, Always Keep the Faith, Cassiopeia, #8yearswithTVXQ

Monday, December 12, 2011


121211. The day I saw you in my dream, vividly. You were sitting there, smiling and looking confuse at the same time. Did I miss you badly that you appeared in my dream or was it because I mentioned about you earlier. I may be confuse or unsure if what I felt before was love.. because you're someone that I can never have. But, one thing that I am sure, I once like you very much. Thank you for being the star that shines in my journey of life.

I learned that sometimes a [life] journey can take you to a place that is not on any map.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Win! Congrats Harimau Muda!

Awesome game. Awesome players. Awesome team!
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

Congrats Harimau Muda team! Congrats Malaysia!
We are so so so proud of you guys!

And once again, Congrats Malaysia is trending! Double congrats!

Apek is awesomesauce like always. And Baddrol, you're like my new hero!
And Muslim! And Wan!
And the list goes on. Haha.

P/s: Nazmi tu serious sangat cute!

And once again, congrats Harimau Muda!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Congrats Malaysia!

Nice game! Congrats Harimau Muda! Really proud of you guys. 
And Congrats Malaysia is trending worldwide too! 

P/s: Apek is awesomesauce!

Monday, October 24, 2011

From Me To You - Confession


“I don’t want to give up, either. I’m in love with her.” - Kazehaya

“I want them to reach.. to reach.” - Sawako

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jadilah Orang Yang Paling Bahagia - Bahagian 1

566 Kata-Kata Hikmah - Dr. 'Aid Bin Abdullah Al-Qarni

#256 Di antara sekian banyak rahmat Allah yang diturunkan kepada hamba-Nya adalah bahawa setiap orang yang mentaati-Nya akan diciptakan kekayaannya di dalam hatinya. Dia akan berasa telah memiliki dunia seluruhnya, sekalipun hanya memiliki beberapa suap nasi.

#441 Boleh jadi Allah mencegah anda memperolehi sesuatu adalah satu kurniaan-Nya dan tidak terlaksananya keinginan anda adalah satu bentuk kasih sayang-Nya, tertundanya pencapaian anda daripada apa yang anda inginkan adalah inayah daripada Allah, kerana Allah lebih mengetahui diri anda daripada anda sendiri.

#444 Orang yang tidak pernah bahagia di rumahnya, maka dia tidak pernah bahagia di tempat lain. Ketahuilah bahawa tempat yang paling mententeramkan jiwa, paling menenangkan hati dan paling jauh daripada bebanan yang amat berat adalah rumah anda sendiri.

#488 Sebahagian orang seperti ikan buta, dia mengira bahawa dia berada dalam gelas kecil, padahal dia berada di lautan. Kita diciptakan di alam keimanan yang begitu luas. Namun acap kali kita menyempitkan jiwa kita dengan segunung kebencian, ketakutan, permusuhan dan kesedihan.

Ouran High School Host Club : Tamaki-Haruhi

Kaoru :
"I want Hikaru to grow. We never had any other friends in the past and we always thought that other people as idiots. Especially Hikaru. Since we were kids, he would get emotional and rush into things. He probably hasn't realize it yet, but he is quite fond of Haruhi. But the only way he knows how to express his emotions is to force them on someone else. If this continues, Hikaru will hurt himself and the people around him, and it will just keep getting worse, won't it?"

Ouran High School Host Club : Hikaru-Haruhi

So sweet, yet so heartbreaking.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In Heaven

    "I'm going to leave."
"I'm going to come back."
"Don't you know how much I love you?"
"I love you."

One word. Beauty.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya!

So, this is going to be an early wish to all of you who will celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Ucapan cliche yang paling simple :

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Ucapan sikit panjang versi serius :

Untuk kata-kata yang terkurang atau terlebih, untuk hati yang pernah terasa atau terguris, disengajakan atau tidak disengajakan, saya susun sepuluh jari, mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala ketelanjuran dan kekurangan diri. Saya tahu orang selalu kata kita manusia tak sempurna, selalu melakukan kesilapan dan saya termasuk dalam senarai yang tidak sempurna itu. Silap saya cuba untuk mencari makna kesempurnaan dalam ketidaksempurnaan. Jadinya, jika tak susah untuk dibuat, harap dapat dimaafkan segala perkara yang terlebih atau terkurang yang saya pernah lakukan.

Ucapan tak berapa nak panjang versi santai :

Untuk semua rakan-rakan dan sanak saudara yang mengenali diri saya, di sini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya dan saya minta maaf dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki kiranya ada terlanjur kata, terkasar bahasa sepanjang saya menulis dalam ruangan blog yang serba-serbi kurang ini. Tahun ni siapa puasa penuh? Good. Tahun depan puasa penuh lagi ye.

- tuan punya blog -

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bila Google Jadi Translator

Ayat asal dalam bahasa Inggeris:

"Meeting you happened to be my fate, turning into a friend was a choice, but falling in love with you truly deeply and madly I admit I had absolutely no control over."

Dan bila Encik Google tolong translate:

"Mesyuarat anda berlaku kepada nasib saya, menjadi rakan pilihan, tetapi jatuh cinta dengan anda benar-benar mendalam dan bingung saya mengakui saya langsung tiada kawalan ke atas."

Facepalm. Ayat yang patutnya jadi sweet, langsung jadi ayat kelakar. Memang betul word by word punya translation. Untuk translate satu, satu word, Google Translator memang awesomesauce. Tapi, kalau bagi satu para suruh translate, memang boleh menangis baca. Hee. Anyway, Google tetap pilihan hati saya. Haha.

Cinta Tikar Sejadah

"Saat aku memegang tikar sejadah ini, tiap kali itulah jantungku berdebar. Perasaanku bergetar. Tak ku sangka, pemberian sekecil ini mampu memberi perubahan yang besar di dalam hidupku. Dan ketika itulah aku mula mengenali apa itu cinta."

Cinta Tikar Sejadah. Drama Melayu, lakonan Farid Kamil dan Fida Hj Ibrahim. Drama berunsur keagamaan. Ada suka, ada duka dan sangat banyak mesej. Kisah hidup seorang Hazry yang berubah 360 darjah bila kembali ke tanah air bonda tercinta. Bermula dengan niat untuk mendapatkan harta kekayaan milik tok abahnya, tapi apa yang dia dapat di akhir cerita adalah jauh lebih berharga daripada apa yang pernah dia bayangkan.

Seronok tengok drama ni. Walaupun cuma setengah jam setiap episod, tapi dalam setiap episod mesti ada babak yang buat rasa terharu tak pun mencuit hati. Paling suka hubungan antara dua beranak, seorang datuk dan cucunya. Walaupun cucunya hidup dah jauh menyimpang, tapi datuknya tak pernah menghukum. Perlahan-lahan si datuk bermain psikologi, cuba menarik si cucu kembali ke arah yang sepatutnya. Dan paling suka cara tok abah memujuk hati si cucu. Sangat lembut dan berbahasa. Tak perlu guna ayat yang complicated. Simple, tapi mesej sampai. Siapa yang dengar pun mesti lembut hatinya. 

Sungguh, kalau sesiapa yang tengah mencari-cari nak tengok drama Melayu yang fun tapi ada input dan bukan hiburan semata-mata, tengoklah Cinta Tikar Sejadah. Tak rugi tengok. Minus part yang dengki tak sudah dan gila harta tu, Cinta Tikar Sejadah memang fun dan banyak mesej. Thumb up!

"Hazry: Saya ingat saya nak pergi tampar semua setan-setan tu tok. 

Tok bah: Syaitan tu bukan berada dalam dunia kita. Dunia dia lain. dia masuk ke dunia kita ni melalui alam batin. Mengganggu manusia. Kalau kita nak pergi tampar dia, kalau dia berada di pokok, kita nampak muka dia, kita tampar dia, tiba-tiba dia hilang. Yang kena pokok, tangan siapa yang sakit? Tangan kita jugak. Tak payah la."

Sungguh sangat suka cara tok bah pujuk cucu dia yang tengah marah. Padahal cucu dia bukan budak lagi. Siap dah boleh jadi bapak budak pun. Lembut je cara tok bah pujuk. Siapa yang ada dekat tempat cucu tu pun, mesti jadi lembut hati bila dengar. 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fandom Is A Serious Business

Come across a blog, read an entry. Too much hate because of one love or to be precise, because of one obsession.  Just because you really like/love/obsess with that person or particular group, doesn't mean you have to say those harsh words to the writer who pointed out their flaws. It's your right to disagree with it, but it's not your right to bash her to that point. Making someone look bad doesn't make you look good at all. You might look mighty and good in the fandom, but  not in reality. You got what I mean. Your friends were enjoying the post, happily commenting, adding fuel to the madness. But, there's one comment which I really interested in. Whoever that anonymous is, I must say, you really did a wonderful job stopping more hateful comments.

“Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi sesama muslim, kerana itu janganlah menganiaya, jangan membiarkannya teraniaya dan janganlah menghinanya. Taqwa tempatnya disini! Sambil baginda menunjuk ke dadanya sebanyak 3 kali. Alangkah besar dosanya menghina saudara sesama muslim, setiap muslim haram menumpahkan darah saudara sesama muslim. Haram merampas hartanya dan haram mencemarkan kehormatan atau nama baiknya” [Hadis Riwayat Muslim].

Being a fangirl is one thing, but being a loyal fan doesn't mean you have to put away your manners, your kindness, your judgement and your ethics in vain. Do not say 'if you know nothing about us, it is better for you to leave us alone' to me because I am a fangirl too. I've been a fangirl in the crazy-frenzy fandom for more than 10 years. Enjoy it, feel it, do anything that you want. But at least always remember about one thing, please know your limit. What's wrong is still wrong. Saying all this stuff doesn't mean that I'm saying I'm a good person. No. I'm still trying to be a better person.

Rockin Heaven - Speak Your Mind

Last Train Home.. Is It Really The Last?

"Can feelings become real when you put them into words?"

There is a boy that I like since I was sixteen. I'm not sure if I still like him as much as I like him like before, but I do believe I still like him. I'm not sure if that's love or it is just a like. And also I'm not sure if it's just physical or straight from heart. I always wonder, if back then I have guts to say I like him just like one of the girl that I know did, what would he answer me. If he accept, will it be different now? If he reject, can we be the same like now? I don't know. I really have know idea. But, one thing that I'm sure, if back then I have guts to tell him that I like him, at least today my feeling won't stay hanging in between. 

I should sleep. Staying up late, reading love story won't bring me anywhere, but to this kind of thought. The IFs-game won't have any end. Too much IFs is definitely hurtful. Good night.

"A love born in silence. Destined to remain secret. And yet, I can't say it was never there."


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Terhenti Di Sini

Sedangku membaca wajahmu
Senyumanmu menggambarkan sesuatu
Jika kau fahami isi hatiku
Ku tak ingin waktu henti tanpamu

Dirimu menyalahkan sebuah erti
Tapi diriku masih terhenti di sini
Dan jalanku masih belum dapat ku pasti
Namun diriku masih terhenti di sini

Andai kau dapat memahami
Bahawa ku menanggung semua ini
Bukan niatku ingin kau pergi
Kerna ku masih terhenti di sini

Dirimu menyalahkan sebuah erti
Tapi diriku masih terhenti di sini
Dan jalanku masih belum dapat ku pasti
Namun diriku masih terhenti di sini

Tiada daya untuk ku lakukannya
Kau tiba di waktu ku masih punyai cinta
Tiada daya untuk ku lakukannya
Kau tiba di waktu ku masih punyai cinta

Dirimu menyalahkan sebuah erti
Tapi diriku masih terhenti di sini
Dan jalanku masih belum dapat ku pasti
Namun diriku masih terhenti di sini

Tiada daya untuk ku lakukannya
Kau tiba di waktu ku masih punyai cinta
Tiada daya untuk ku lakukannya
Kau tiba di waktu ku masih punyai cinta

"I Love This Woman!"

I really really like Gong Ah Jung.

If I don't see her, even for a day..

I will go crazy just by missing her.

I, Hyun Ki Joon, do sincerely love Gong Ah Jung.

Hyun Ki Joon is amazing. Public confession it is! Park Ji Yun is right, indeed. 

This is way too sweet <3

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Spy Myung Wol

Eric is back! Can't wait for this. 

Its first episode will air on July 4th.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Colors and M

"The warmth of the time we spend together. I love seeing you smile as you look at me. Your smile, as dazzling as white clouds, makes my expanding heart beat wildly."
- Boy Friend, Lee Min Woo.   ________

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Ding Dong

Drama time! There are so many good dramas are airing this month isn't it? Lie To Me, The Greatest Love, City Hunter, Miss Ripley, Baby Faced Beauty, Can You Hear Me and so much more. And there's at least one actor/actress in each drama that I like. Yoon Eun Hye in Lie To Me. Lee Min Ho in City Hunter, Yoochun in Miss Ripley and Jae Won in Can You Hear Me. Jang Nara is making her drama comeback too as she is one of the main character in Baby Faced Beauty. Aren't this month just feel so good, in term of the airing dramas? 

Even so, for now I only able to watch Lie To Me, The Greatest Love and Baby Faced Beauty. For storyline, I personally love The Greatest Love a lot compared to others. The plot seems stable and flowing smoothly, as expected from Hong Sisters. I love Lie To Me too, but somehow, sometimes the plot seems like the writer just throw anything that comes into her mind, no? How many circles are we going to circling around? It feels exactly like riding on roller coaster. Some parts are just too slow, and some are too fast and not so convincing. Take Sang Hee for example, he didn't show any romantic interest up to episode 8 and now he likes Ah Jung too? Poor Sang Hee. Why must they make the brothers fall in love with the same girl two times and break the little brother heart every time? And wtf with Jae Bum now? *roll eyes* And no matter how much I complaint because of the rough momentum, I am still there.. watching the drama. Just because I really love the cast and the chemistry between Ki Joon, Ah Jung and Sang Hee, and it somehow becomes an addiction. Please let the next six episodes be awesome. Please. On the bright note, Ki Joon is so cute in today's episode. Taking his own picture on her phone and leave her a video message, book the whole restaurant when she is just ignoring him.. cute! And Sang Hee's teddy bear moment. That boy really knows how to be so sweet <333 But.. the ending, why did Ki Joon say that they didn't get married? I hate cliffhanger! Gahhhhh. One thing that I must say.. Yoon Eun Hye really did a good job in this drama. She's amazing, especially in the crying scenes. You go girl!

Can't wait for tomorrow! The Greatest Love <333 Sharing my two favorite moments from last week episode! I really love Ding Dong and Jin moment. They were just so cute together! And I especially love this boy loyalty. So cute!

Dokko Jin! He's indeed so cool during the last few minutes in the last episode. He might be very childish, so full of himself, but he really knows so well when to make himself look so good! Recharge moment is so sweet! Great acting, Cha Seungwon!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Lie To Me.. Not

Seems like Sang Hee is falling for Ah Jung? If he really is, then history is really repeating itself. Why? Why must the brothers keep on falling for the same person? And if Sang Hee really likes Ah Jung, then it means that's going to be his second heartbreak. My poor baby.

On the bright side, it feels so good to see So Ran and Ah Jung back on good term because honestly, I really don't like the view of best friend, especially girls fighting with each other because of boys. Just saying.

I'm loving today's episode. Can't wait for tomorrow! The preview seems convincing. And today is such a good day too! Special thanks t6rystalis for Shinhwa's Intimate Note episode!

P/s: Every time I look at Andy, he really reminds me of Chunnie! 

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Dah lama tak update apa-apa dekat blog, and bila tengok balik entries yang ada, tiba-tiba terperasan, most of the entries are about goguma couple. Facepalm. Just when I thought my fangirling side is dying, the crazy frenzy is back on track. Should really learn to control that side of me. Sebabnya? Err, sebab tahun ni dah 2* tahun, maybe? Solution? Mari mencari hobi baru!

Last two weeks, even the work isn't that great (newbie in the house), but I've finally finished with my scarf! It has been a while I feel like learning on how to knit. And with the help from various videos found throughout the web, I managed to knit my very first scarf. Hoyeah!  Lepas ni boleh la beli needle yang lebih kecil size nya and try buat something else pula (: Or maybe I should try to be friend with the kitchen first before I get addicted with sock-making next. 

The look when it is not done yet. Final product? Tak cukup rajin nak tangkap gambar sekarang. Teehee.

Shinhwa's Intimate Note, Please?

I'm looking for Shinhwa's Intimate Note episode which is sadly either the download link already been removed or the youtube account is banned. I was wondering if there's anyone who still have this episode, could you kindly hotlink me please? Thank you so much in advance. 

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Wherever You Will Go

If I could, then I would. 
I'll go wherever you will go. 
Way up high or down low. 
I'll go wherever you will go. 
I'll stay with you for all of time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Love Girl

Love Girl MV is way too cute! A MUST watch MV! 

p/s: May I have that poster, please!

English Translation. 


Tell me Tell me, tell me about love, Tell me Tell me, share your love with me
Love me Love me, let me hug you, Kiss me Kiss me, I love only you
I’m like a fool when you smile, you’re like a pretty doll when I look at you
My heart beats so fast. My everyday becomes happy because of you.
I want you oh my love, please look at only me. Even when the world changes, I love only you,
Oh my love, my heart always beats whenever I see you. I’ll cherish only you.
(L.O.V.E GIRL) Hold my hand and Fly (L.O.V.E GIRL) Trust me and Fly high
(L.O.V.E BOY) Yes, we can fly to the sky (L.O.V.E BOY) I want to take you there baby
Tell you Tell you, I’ll tell you about love. Tell you Tell you, I love you.
Love you Love you, hold my hand. Kiss you Kiss you, I love you forever.
Like a music you play for me, like a sweet hum you sing for me,
each minute, each second becomes so precious. I want to hear it everyday, I love, love, love you.
I want you oh my love. Please love only me. Because even when other loves change, I love you.
Oh my love, my small heart that pictured you. I’ll always hug only you.
(L.O.V.E GIRL) Hold my hand and Fly (L.O.V.E GIRL) Trust me and Fly high
(L.O.V.E BOY) Yes, we can fly to the sky (L.O.V.E BOY) I want to take you there baby
I want you oh my love, please look at only me. Even when the world changes, I love only you,
Oh my love, my heart always beats whenever I see you. I’ll cherish only you.
(L.O.V.E GIRL) Take Take Take my hands
(L.O.V.E GIRL) Uh uh Grab Grab Grab my hands
(L.O.V.E BOY) Yeah yeah Yes, we can fly to the sky high high
(L.O.V.E BOY) I want take you there baby
(L.O.V.E GIRL) Take Take Take my hands baby you (you) know What I want u
(L.O.V.E GIRL) Can you hear my beating heart? can you feel my beat
(L.O.V.E BOY) Take Take Take my hands baby you (you) know what I want u
(L.O.V.E BOY) I can’t live without you, only you can make me laugh you make me laugh

Credit: korean lyric
Re-up: cn piitch keywonkyuu-kpopeyes

Please Be My Doll For One Day

"Why do girls like it when boys tie their hair, do manicures, why do they call that kind of thing cute? I don't really know. She was so happy. Like a child at a playground. When I saw her face up close, she had a lot of aegyo skin. I kept seeing her eyes and they look very cute." - Yong seobang.

"I think there's a sense of lovability in his face." - Hyun buin.