
Friday, January 07, 2011

I Don't Know Anymore

Some people are weird and ignorant. If you don't have anything nice to say about others, especially when you post it where everyone can read it, why don't you just keep your mouth shut? Maybe you feel better after saying it out loud, but how about the people that you hurt unintentionally after reading your comment? It's not going to make you look cool, in fact, if it's not a lot, at least a bit it's ruining your own image. It takes me a while to like you. Yes, a while and it's not like I like you so much now compared to some other people which belongs to the same category as you. I know that it's your personality to say anything that comes into your mind, BUT when I say I like you, it doesn't mean that I like everything about you. When you said those words, honestly, I don't see you like I used to picture you anymore. I feel a little disappointed with you. Yes, it's your right to say whatever you feel like. But, it's not your right to say something hurtful about the people that I love. People are right when they said that you're lousy. It's my fault for being indenial.

I believe in those people that I love more because I believe I know them. Your words won't change my view on them. But, I seriously feel so frustrated when those dissing words comes from you. Aren't they the one that took care of you when you're still newbie? Aren't they the one that teach you things during your newbie days? At least have some respect to people that taught you something about life. Learn some common sense before you learn on how to diss people around you. Thank you.

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